Sunday 8 July 2012

"You can't talk about religion".

'Ello chums.

Right, let's try and find a suitable way to begin this blog without sounding like a total prick.  I mean, most people who 'blog' these days are total pricks, aren't they?  I'm even writing this in the smallest sized text possible, just because I'm so embarrassed that my life has stooped to this new low.  Writing.  However, I'm guessing a lot of you who happen to be wasting your precious seconds on this Earth, on reading this, happen to come from my Facebook page, or my Twitter, and that's bloody good, you're probably slightly interested in this ramble that I'm now going to spit, so let's continue...

Earlier I posted around that I am planning to read the bible in my next YouTube video.  (and we all know I won't be just "reading" it.)  I'll point out every one of it's fictional flaws for the life of me.  Anyway, a lot of you are buzzed to hear what I have to say about this matter, you're all for the idea, and that's just great.  Except for the religious sheep.  A few Christians have closed their "how to get into heaven quicker" tabs, and decided to reply to my posts.  They're angry, of course they're fucking angry.   That's understandable.  However, I think the point that's being missed here, is that I really do not give a shit.  One idiot from my Twitter, claimed that I couldn't talk about religion because "a lot of people are religious".  Wow.  A lot of people love that Nicki Minaj thing, but nobody told me I couldn't talk about that?

Just because a lot of people believe in this fictional murderer known as "God", why should that stop somebody who doesn't believe in him, from voicing their opinion?  I mean, Christians voice theirs at every fucking given opportunity.  I can barely walk through my local city center without some pleb offering me a "free bible".  According to that very same book that they're trying to hand out, God created me in his image, and gave me free will.  I've taken that free will, and decided that I am an Atheist.  So why are you now going against your "leader" and trying to persuade me to bathe in his fucking glory?  It's ridiculous.  You just want to get through those pearly gates when your life ends.  Which won't happen.  When you die, you die.  It's not a "pessimistic" way to look at it, and it's not depressing, in fact, it's very fucking humbling.  That's life, and it's fucking precious.  Why spend the limited amount of time that we have, trying to do good, so that once your life is over, you can live in "heaven".  Something that has NEVER, and will NEVER be proven, because, urm... it's a fairy-tale.
By all means, do good, that's super, but Christians are only doing good to better themselves.

Become a fucking doctor, help prolong the life of thousands, and then die - gracefully,  Your name will then live on as a legend, sure, you won't get into heaven, but you won't get into hell either.  You'll be where millions already are.  In the ground.  As I said before, that is not a depressing fact, but merely a fact.  Stop being so fucking fickle, enjoy life, and fuck God.  (By the way, if God is real, and I've just spoke a whole lot of shit, can you ask him if he can let West Ham do alright this season?  I'm going to a couple of games, and I don't want to watch any shit football, he does those kind of requests doesn't he?)  Also, stop killing babies.  Amen.


  1. Fucking brilliant, Jack. Keep them going! @christina0livia

  2. im christian, but i find this rather fucking hilarious!

  3. Made me laugh so much! :D Thumbs up to atheism :)

  4. You actual legend <3 All so true to be honest... :L x

  5. BRILLIANT! do more of there, bro. I have never read a book in my life, yet I feel I could read your rants all day everyday!

    1.'re u?frankly..if we talk about religion, thts the hardest thing to say/argue, or...well,everything should be fair, right?heaven n hell should exist, dnt u think?to make it different"bad" n "good"-"baaaad.." people should accept n be responsible for wht they "didddd", right?i mean...everything should be fair...-thts why life after death..should exist...right?-thanks...:)

  6. This has to be made into a video! Awesome!

  7. haha the irony is is that there is literally an add for a free bible at the side of this blog
